Practice research advisory group (External organisation)

  • Dean Hughes (Member)

    Activity: MembershipMembership of board


    PRAG-UK is a body established by members of the HE arts research community to increase the visibility and accessibility of UK Practice Research and its impact, and to make this research more searchable internationally. It aims to:

    • Reveal, position and promote the world-leading research taking place in the UK’s creative and cultural sector;

    • Make explicit the contribution made by Practice Research to industry and to the creative economy, by contributing to the HE sector’s preparation for REF2021 and its legacy;

    • Build an evidence base and support the development of a stronger research-informed Creative and Cultural Industries sector;

    • Produce a framework to underpin the development of an archival infrastructure for a ‘Web of Arts’, as a complement to the Web of Science;

    • Lead in advising on the production of portfolios that offer vehicles for developing rigorous, creative models for Practice Research and its impact;

    • Help ensure that the rich and varied partnerships between HEIs and industry that generate Practice Research are documented in ways that speak to both sectors;

    • Consult with subject associations, creative industries bodies and equivalent organisations internationally to develop and share best practice.

    PRAG’s long term aim is to ensure that bodies of Practice Research are visible and searchable, and that the creative and cultural industries can fully contribute to the UK’s industrial and creative economy and the advancement of innovative interdisciplinary research. This is a capacity building project. It will produce tangible exemplars, stimulate and focus discussion, and work towards the development of a sustainable framework. In addition, it aims to provide HEIs and researchers with tools, guidance and confidence in the submission of Practice Research for RCUK/UKRI funding and in the preparations for the UK’s REF 2021.
    Held atPractice research advisory group, United Kingdom