Relationship-Centred Practice

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipating in a conference, workshop, ...


    This event with the After Disasters Network explored the how, what and why of relationship-centred practice. Bringing together thinkers, doers and enablers from different sectors and backgrounds to explore a few key questions: 

    WHAT do we mean by relationship-centred practice? What are the golden threads? What examples already exist? 
    WHY is relationship-centred practice important? What change does it unlock? 
    HOW do we evidence the impact of relationship-centred practice? What already exists and where are the gaps? 
    HOW do we enable and support relationship-centred practice? What conditions need to be in place? 
    WHERE might we go next in exploring these lines of enquiry? 

    Period23 Nov 2022
    Event typeConference
    LocationNewcastle, United KingdomShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionNational