Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Previous research students of mine have worked on topics ranging from the revival of music in the worship of the Catholic Church in Scotland, 1789-1829, to the organ music of J.S. Bach, to the secular vocal music of Cornelis Verdonck (1563/4-1625).

Current PhD students include:
•Owen Woods, 'Shifting patterns of tonal design in the organs of Harrison and Harrison between 1872 and 1972' (Start Date: 01/10/2020)
• Sebastian Jørgensen, 'Repercussio: Mapping the Art of "Repeating" in the Sixteenth Century'
• Michael Winter: 'Restoring polyphonic fragments from the Eton Choirbook: a study of contemporary reconstruction and fifteenth-century compositional processes' (member of supervisory team)

I also welcome PhD applicationsin the broad areas of:
• Early English instrumental music (keyboard, lute, consort)
• Keyboard music
• Scottish music
• Scholarly editing of music

Many projects can be jointly supervised with colleagues in Music. Dr Rachael Durkin's expertise in organology can be relevant for those looking at instrumental and keyboard music. Dr Katherine Butler's expertise in Tudor music complements my own.

In terms of funding, the Northern Bridge Consortium offers studentships that normally involve more than one institution in the supervision of students at doctoral level, and - depending on the topic - there are a number of colleagues at universities in the north east of England who could be involved.

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David Johnson

  • University of Aberdeen

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Rachelle Taylor

  • McGill University

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Paul Mealor

  • University of Aberdeen

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Gemma McGregor

  • University of Aberdeen

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Phillip Cooke

  • University of Aberdeen

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Thomas LaVoy

  • University of Aberdeen

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Pete Stollery

  • University of Aberdeen

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John F. Hudson

  • University of Aberdeen

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