Personal profile


Nicole EL Maalouf is an Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. Before becoming a full-time member of staff at Northumbria University, she worked as an Associate Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Strategy (EIS) department at Northumbria University, and as a Tutor and Module leader on a part-time basis at the University of York, UK. Previously, Nicole EL Maalouf was a Tutor in Marketing at Newcastle University London (NUL), and a Teaching Assistant in Management-related modules at Newcastle University. She has also worked before, as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Family and Entrepreneurial Businesses at the Lebanese American University (LAU), Lebanon. She holds a PhD degree in Innovation Management from Newcastle University Business School (NUBS), UK, and an MSc degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Surrey, UK. Her research interests are at the intersection of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. Her research links the domains of social media, technology and innovation management with a particular focus on new product development, innovation, open innovation, green innovation, and business model innovation. She has published studies related to these areas in ABS 3-star journals - Technovation and Industrial Marketing Management (IMM). Her research interests also cover areas such as Family Businesses, and Gender and Entrepreneurship. She published a paper on family businesses in International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion. In addition, Nicole EL Maalouf is continuously attending several teaching, learning and research methods-related workshops and training, and has obtained different Certificates accordingly. For instance, she has successfully completed the Fellowship in Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Besides, she has completed the UK Team Mastery Coach Training. Nicole EL Maalouf has also industry experience in the areas of New Product and Business Development, Sales and Marketing. As part of her current role at Northumbria University, she is also leading an Entrepreneurship module at the Doha campus of QFBA-Northumbria University, delivering part of the course in person in Doha and continuing the rest virtually from the UK. She is actively engaged in teaching across both the Doha and Newcastle campuses of Northumbria University. 

Further Information

Conference Presentations

1. EL Maalouf, N., Owusu-Kwarteng, A., Fahed-Sreih, J. Women’s entrepreneurial intentions in the UK and Lebanon: a 2014-2024 comparative study. In: British Academy of Management Conference. 2024, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

2. Damij, N., Elsahn, Z., Pattinson, S., Bazi, S., El Maalouf, N. Making sense of multi-level analysis in management studies: a systematic literature review and future research agenda. In: British Academy of Management Conference. 2023, the University of Sussex Business School, Brighton, UK.

3. Maalouf, N.E., Bahemia H., and Papagiannidis S. The implementation of open innovation at the UK manufacturing firms. In: the 8th Annual World Open ‎Innovation Conference. December 9-10, 2021, the High-Tech Campus, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

4. Maalouf, N.E., Bahemia H., and Papagiannidis S. The Breadth of Open Innovation Activities: Antecedents and Outcomes, a Dynamic Capability Perspective. In: the 18th Open & User Innovation Conference (#OUI2020+1). 2021, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

5. Maalouf, N.E., Bahemia H., and Papagiannidis S. The firm-level antecedents of open innovation: A dynamic capability perspective. In: British Academy of Management Conference. 2018, Bristol, UK.

6. Maalouf, N.E. Open innovation, project level, project performance, adoption, UK SMEs. In: 2018 HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) Annual Postgraduate Research Showcase. Evolving Perspectives. 2018, Newcastle University, UK (posters presentation)

7. Maalouf, N.E. Open innovation adoption and implementation at the project level. In: 1st year PhD student conference. 2017, Newcastle University, UK

8. Fahed-Sreih, J., and Maalouf, N.E. Determinants of effective succession in family businesses and their influence on decision-making. In: International Conference on Organisation and Management. 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE: International Conference on Organisation and Management


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Education/Academic qualification

Management Studies, PhD, Open Innovation, Newcastle University

3 Oct 201624 Mar 2021

Award Date: 12 Aug 2021

Management Studies, MSc, Female Entrepreneurship, University of Surrey

26 Sept 20131 Sept 2014

Award Date: 26 Nov 2014

Management Studies, BSc, International Business, Lebanese American University

15 Sept 200928 Feb 2013

Award Date: 28 Feb 2013

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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