Personal profile


Dr. Gonzalez is Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering. He received his PhD in Materials Physics at Complutense University of Madrid and PhD research work was carried out at the National Centre for Metallurgical Research (CENIM-CSIC) in Spain.

His research is focused on metallurgy, rapid solidification and processing-structure-property relationships, he has received funding from EPSRC, Royal Society, Innovate UK, IOP, Fellowships from Spain (Juan de la Cierva and FPI to pursue his PhD), funding from Japan (internal funding from WPI), Marie Curie travel grant and SRUK Short Term Mobility Fellowship.

He is fellow member of IoM3 (FIMMM), chartered scientist, chartered engineer, full member of EPSRC peer reviewer college, Fellow of the higher education academy (FHEA), British Engineering Excellence Award Finalist and invited editorial board member of numerous journals

Education/Academic qualification

Physics, PhD

30 Jun 200831 Dec 2099

Award Date: 30 Jun 2008


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