Creative Temporal Costings

  • Briggs, Jo (PI)

    Project Details


    This AHRC 3-month ‘sprint’ collaboration with Leeds Creative Timebank examined artists' experiences of using time as a means of non-monetary exchange to organise people around a creative purpose. For every hour ‘deposited’ in a timebank (e.g. giving practical help to another) one can ‘withdraw’ an hour of different equivalent support. The experimental social design research was enabled though AHRC's Protopublics, or Developing Participation in Social Design: Prototyping Projects, Programmes and Policies workshop run by Lucy Kimbell, Guy Julier and team. It examined collaborative exchange as experienced by, and through a co-commissioned study undertaken with the bank. Key objectives were to investigate the value of creative collaborative exchange in an emerging ‘parallel’ (non-monetary) economy and test and develop experimental research methods for social design.

    Key findings

    The researchers and the timebank ran two workshops in Leeds involving commissioning five artists to realise artworks through which they were asked to investigate their experiences of exchanging time, using time for the artists’ payment. The researchers and artists developed and applied collaborative creative approaches to generate latent non-monetary value through cultural expression and engagement, and by promoting tangible forms of cultural action.
    Effective start/end date1/06/1531/08/15


    • Arts & Humanities Research Council: £14,997.00


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    • Creative Temporal Costings: Design Research for Change Showcase and Book

      Briggs, J., Lury, C., Teasley, S., Pullin, G., Ball, S. & Leeds Creative Timebank, 20 Sept 2018.

      Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

    • Co-Producing Social Futures Through Design Research

      Julier, G., Kimbell, L., Briggs, J., Duggan, J., Jungnickel, K., Taylor, D. & Tsekleves, E., 1 Oct 2016, Brighton: University of Brighton. 76 p.

      Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

      Open Access
      34 Downloads (Pure)
    • Creative Temporal Costings

      Ball, S., Briggs, J., Lury, C., Teasley, S. & Pullin, G., 15 Sept 2015

      Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

      Open Access
      38 Downloads (Pure)