The Trust Map: Investigating Power, Trust and Empathy in Minority Communities through Digital Interventions

  • Briggs, Jo (PI)

    Project Details


    The Trust Map aimed to investigate the potential of designed digital tools in mitigating mistrust in civic-community relations. The exploratory, multi-sited North East and North London research involved Northumbria, Newcastle and Durham researchers working together across a number of sub-projects; summarised below.

    Key findings

    Design for Community Planning and Participatory Budgeting
    With the Newcastle University team we designed Community Conversational, a non-competitive turn-taking table top ‘game’ to encourage, structure and document community-situated civic meetings, and help facilitate large or geographically distributed planning consultations. The Northumbria team also built a digital platform to capture and re-present the conversational and location-related data visually to enable filtering and analyses of topics discussed. 
    A concurrent study by the Durham and Northumbria teams examined the growing practice of participatory budgeting as a mechanism for civic engagement and the organisation of municipal resourcing.

    Design to Support Poverty Action
    The Northumbria and Durham research teams worked on visibly mapping local levels of interpersonal and institutional trust in a series of creative workshops. Through study of the literature and analysis of early interviews and workshop data the team designed methods to examine a ‘continuum of trust’ or negotiated space in which relationships are tested and trustworthiness and capability evidenced. The team ran codesign workshops with a local poverty action group to help identify and promote their objectives, including establishing more productive relationships with locally, regionally and nationally influential supporters.
    Short titleThe Trust Map
    Effective start/end date31/07/1431/01/18


    • Economic & Social Research Council: £164,368.00


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