Эмпирическая модель анализа динамики алгоритмизации (технологии искусственного интеллекта) в сфере обеспечения безопасности на примере США

Translated title of the contribution: Empirical model for analysis of the dynamics of algorithmization (artificial intelligence technology) in the field of security by the example of the USA

Aleksei Turobov*, Mikhail Mironyuk

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


How does the state security system evolve under the influence of the artificial intelligence technology? To answer this question, an empirical model is proposed. The model evaluates the state security system (by the example of the USA) using the security consistency parameter, which estimates how the state perceives threats (indicator of threats) and whether the state has the necessary capabilities to counter them (indicator of capabilities) in relation to the artificial intelligence technology. The model (as well as the conceptualisation of the artificial intelligence technology in the context of the security domain) provides evidence of how security transformations occur. It serves as a tool for studying the corresponding changes and assessing the state security system. It is necessary to indicate the limitation of the study: we do not con- sider direct military applications in the field of automation and algorithms (artificial intelligence technology).
The validation of the empirical model has been undertaken using the case of the USA. With the development of the technology itself, the “interest” of the state and the definition of threats, as well as the rapid growth of the capabilities of the artificial intelligence technology are growing, and since 2012, the dynamic has been linear, since more new “discoveries” have contributed to evolutionary rather than “revolutionary” growth trajectory.
The developed model is scalable. This feature may be useful in the empirical security studies: the artificial intelligence technology within the model can be replaced with other types of digital technologies; thus, empirical models of security consistency under the impact of other technologies can be developed. The approach proposed allows to undertake cross-country comparisons with respect to specific types of digital technologies and their interactions with the security domain.
Translated title of the contributionEmpirical model for analysis of the dynamics of algorithmization (artificial intelligence technology) in the field of security by the example of the USA
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)72-111
Number of pages42
JournalPolitical science (RU)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • security
  • security studies
  • model
  • artificial intelligence
  • threat evaluation
  • National security


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