1707, 2007, and the Unionist turn in Scottish history

Alasdair Raffe

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This article reviews the latest research on the making of the Anglo-Scottish parliamentary union of 1707 and unionism in modern Scotland. Stimulated by the tercentenary of the union, but running counter to the popular mood at the time of that anniversary, many of the recent publications exhibit a novel and sympathetic interest in principled support for union. Using Christopher Whatley's The Scots and the union (2006) and Colin Kidd's Union and unionisms (2008) as starting points, the article shows how the new histories differ from earlier work, while also identifying the interdisciplinary roots of the ‘unionist turn’ in Scottish history.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1071-1083
JournalThe Historical Journal
Issue number04
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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