A Design Environment for Product Knowledge Management and Data Exchange

Hayder Aziz, James Gao, Paul Maropoulos, Wai Ming Cheung

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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This paper reports on a distributed design environment under development for product knowledge management and information exchange. The system is able to use the company’s existing base of knowledge and to push the manufacturing knowledge higher up into the design chain to reduce the need for costly and time consuming reworks and engineering changes. The design environment uses a knowledge based system Protégé and enables data/knowledge exchange through International Standards for Product Model Exchange (ISO STEP) and the Resource Description Framework.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 14 May 2003
Event2003 CIRP Design Seminar - Grenoble, France
Duration: 11 May 200314 May 2003


Conference2003 CIRP Design Seminar


  • Design Knowledge
  • PDM
  • collaborative design


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