A Geographic Multi-Copy Routing Scheme for DTNs With Heterogeneous Mobility

Yue Cao, Kaimin Wei, Geyong Min, Jian Weng, Xin Yang, Zhili Sun

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Previous geographic routing schemes in delay/disruption tolerant networks (DTNs) only consider the homogeneous scenario where nodal mobility is identical. Motivated by this gap, we turn to design a DTN based geographic routing scheme in heterogeneous scenario. Systematically, our target is achieved via two steps: 1) We first propose, “The-best-geographic-relay (TBGR)” routing scheme to relay messages via a limited number of copies, under the homogeneous scenario. We further overcome the local maximum problem of TBGR given a sparse network density, different from those efforts in dense networks like clustered wireless sensor networks. 2) We next extend TBGR for heterogeneous scenario, and propose “the-best-heterogeneity-geographic-relay (TBHGR)” routing scheme considering individual nodal visiting preference (referred to nonidentical nodal mobility). Extensive results under a realistic heterogeneous scenario show the advantage of TBHGR over literature works in terms of reliable message delivery, while with low routing overhead.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)790-801
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Systems Journal
Issue number1
Early online date1 Jun 2016
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018


  • Delay/disruption tolerant networks (DTNs)
  • geographic routing
  • heterogeneous nodal mobility
  • social daily preference


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