A mixed-methods approach to evaluating videos, posters and podcasts as a means of supporting the teaching of clinical skills

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Due to the changing shape of healthcare education, higher education institutions have needed to make better use of technology to ensure healthcare students acquire the skills needed for practice. Northumbria University created the Skills for Practice Website, a central repository for over 100 institutional recorded skills videos, posters, and podcasts, incorporating a blended learning pedagogy to introduce elements of flexibility into traditional courses.

An explorative sequential mixed methodology approach was adopted, to elicit factual statistical data as well as opinions and views of the participants. 107 undergraduate nursing students participated in the questionnaire and 4 students were additionally interviewed. Qualitative and quantitative data was analysed using thematic analysis and a statistical software package for cross-correlation. Coding and initial thematic analysis were done independently by researchers before being shared to triangulate results.

Initial questionnaire data is currently in the process of being cross-correlated with the data from the transcribed interviews. The final analysis is scheduled for April with a view to completing the study by August 2022. So far, findings suggest that the use of videos is seen by students as a useful tool to enhance the learning of clinical skills. However, feedback also highlights that this must be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching and content must be student-driven. It is hoped that the findings will provide insight into the future direction and development of the website and its resources.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusSubmitted - 9 Apr 2022
EventEngaging Students: Building Communities: 3 rivers conference 2022 -
Duration: 29 Jun 202229 Jun 2022


ConferenceEngaging Students: Building Communities


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