A Technology-Organization-Environment Perspective on Eco-effectiveness: A Meta-analysis

Josephine Chong, Karin Olsen

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    In this research, we perform a meta-analysis to explain how organizations are deploying technologies to enforce organizational sustainability by meeting the goal of eco-effectiveness. Prior studies have studied the influences on the adoption of technologies using the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) model that incorporate some aspects of technological, organizational or environmental factors. We collected prior research to test the factors of the TOE model to ascertain their relative impact and strength. Our meta-analysis found eight additional technological and organizational factors. We found strong support for IT infrastructure, perceived direct benefits, top management support, and competitive pressure. Moderate support for compatibility, technological readiness, perceived indirect benefits, knowledge (human resources), organizational size, attitudes towards innovation, learning culture, pressure from trade partners (industry characteristics) and regulatory support. Lastly, weak support was found for relative advantage, complexity, perceived risks and information learning culture. Only two dimensions, financial resources and environmental uncertainty failed to reach statistical significance.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-26
    JournalAustralian Journal of Information Systems
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Green-IT
    • TOE
    • meta-analysis
    • eco-effectiveness


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