Action plan for deriving dynamic RES-E policies

Sara White, Claus Huber, Thomas Faber, Reinhard Haas, Gustav Resch, John Green, Samanta Olz, Hans Cleijne, Walter Ruijgrok, Poul Erik Morthurst, Klaus Skytte, Miguel Gual, Pablo del Rio, Felix Hernandez, Andres Tacsir, Mario Ragwitz, Joachim Schleich, Wolfgang Orasch, Marcus Bokemann, Christine Lins

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


The core objective of this project is to facilitate a continuous and significant increase in the share of RESE with minimal costs to European citizen. To identify the most important strategies (e.g. Tradable Green Certificates, Feed-In Tariffs, Investment Subsidies, Emissions Trading, CO2-taxes) in a dynamic way the computer-based toolbox Green-X has been developed. Although within the scope of this project it has not been feasible to investigate all possible issues within this field, the cases analysed cover not only the needs and opportunities at the level of the national Member States, but also those at the level ofthe EU. However, the most important ones have been treated thoroughly. This report, which is the final outcome from the Green-X project (Contract No: ENG2-CT-2002- 00607), with funding from the European Commission, DG Research, provides recommendations on the way forward for the promotion of renewable energy for electricity generation in the EU. It is addressed primarily to energy policy maker, as well as to other people interested in renewable energy and energy policy.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationVienna, Austria
PublisherUniversity of Technology Energy Economics Group
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 9 Feb 2011
Externally publishedYes


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