Addressing the learners' needs for specific and constructive feedback

Jenna Tudor, Noel Perera

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


This paper discusses an on-going project which proposes to make feedback to students more personal, explicit and more useful as a method of further engaging students. It addresses an issue that has recently been identified by the researchers where students on an Engineering programme were not recognising the presence of feedback on their assessed work. Feedback is central to the process of learning. However it has been widely accepted, through tools such as the UK National Student Survey, that students are still relatively dissatisfied with the feedback they have received. There is therefore a need to ensure that feedback given to students is specific and constructive in terms of helping them move their own learning forward. A pilot is being carried out with two Engineering classes, offering students the option to request specific feedback on their class tests. The students are asked to identify the areas of their work they require feedback on through the completion of a ‘feedback request label’. Staff can then respond to the feedback requests and issue students with personal and relevant feedback. Initial findings from the project have shown students to have clear expectations regarding the type of feedback they want. Students identified that they expect clear and legible feedback, which draws together feedback comments from throughout their work and provides a summary of how they could move forwards. Findings have also identified some differences in expectations and perceptions of feedback between the Level 3 and Level 4 students involved in the project.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2010
EventEngineering Education 2010 - Aston University, Birmingham
Duration: 1 Jul 2010 → …


ConferenceEngineering Education 2010
Period1/07/10 → …
Internet address


  • Student adjustment
  • Learning-Education
  • Higher


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