Advanced Strategy for EU Funding Success

Alison Pearce, Lorne Hwang, Deirdre Lillis, Danijela Voljc

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    The speakers have been and are involved in multiple collaborative projects funded by the EU. From small beginnings, their initial consortium has grown into an eco- system of collective interest, exponentially improving their success not only in bidding but also in the high-quality outcomes of projects including strategic partnerships, international research & the global classroom. Beyond simplistic war stories, we present an advanced analysis of strategic knowledge & skills transferable to others. The speakers in this session have secured together millions of euros of EU funding for international work in the last 10 years. This has been from various funding streams and schemes addressing a wide variety of initiatives and strategic coals: strategic partnerships, mobility, collaborative research, global classrooms, staff exchange, international internships, and many more. The funding is often matched by government schemes in so-called "third countries" (ie those not funded by the EU). 'External' partners (such as employers and industry bodies) Moreover, the projects funded have regularly outstripped expectations and targets and attracted global attention eg the EU ambassador to South Korea (head of the EU delegation) and the Head of the British Council in Korea attended student award ceremonies. Furthermore, the projects sometimes produce new theory and always new best practice which is systematically disseminated through the EAIE conferences and others across the world. In September, three more awards were secured by these institutions. They work in an informal, organically developing 'eco-system of collective interest' which has proven to be an extremely effective way of enhancing performance in many areas. Rather than tell "war stories" - and let others analyse what can be learned from them - we have analysed this success and aim to transfer this knowledge succinctly to others. We will invite the audience to share their challenges and will suggest our solutions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2017
    Event29th Annual EAIE Conference - Seville, Spain
    Duration: 12 Sept 201715 Sept 2017


    Conference29th Annual EAIE Conference
    Abbreviated titleEAIE Seville 2017
    Internet address


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