Algorithmic folk theories and peer review: on the importance of valuing participant expertise (commentary)

Carolina Are*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

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Through this brief commentary piece, I discuss the challenges and opportunities of submitting academic work on hidden forms of content moderation such as shadowbanning and malicious flagging, and the difficulty of balancing dated notions of academic rigour with investigating an issue that is often connected with an absence of data from powerful stakeholders. In doing so, I address how peer review can inadvertently reinforce the inequalities of content moderation, aiding platform companies in the discrediting, victim-blaming and gaslighting of their users by replicating unequal and patriarchal behaviours adopted by various authorities when victims come forward to report violence and injustice, while also rejecting the benefits of taking user experience into account when designing and governing social media.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-5
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Gender Studies
Early online date17 Jul 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 Jul 2024


  • Gender equality
  • platform governance
  • peer review
  • publishing
  • research
  • decent work and economic growth

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