An evaluation of a Home Office Innovation funding project on EyeDetect and Polygraph testing of convicted sex offenders

Gavin Oxburgh, Gordon Wright, Fiona Gabbert

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


In 2016, Northumbria Police were successful in securing funding from the Home Office Innovation Fund to deliver a project looking to build capabilities to tackle hidden crime and protect vulnerable people through the introduction of voluntary Eye Detect and Polygraph testing for pre- and post-conviction sexual offenders. As a consequence, they sought to appoint a professional partner to carry out an evaluation to inform future use of the EyeDetect. The main aims were to establish if there was any correlation between: (i) the results of EyeDetect and Polygraph testing, and; (ii) the results of Eye Detect/Polygraph testing and the original risk assessment of the offender utilising the Active Risk Management System (ARMS). The final results are confidential to the authors and Northumbria Police
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyNorthumbria Police
Number of pages24
Publication statusUnpublished - 1 Jun 2018


  • Polygraph
  • Eye Detect
  • Police
  • Sex Offenders


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