An experimental strategy for fractionating 33 and 34 factorial experiments

Chukwunonso Ozoemena, Philip Hackney, Martin Birkett, David Bell

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In the design of statistical experiments, situations may arise when resource constraints hinder the use of factorial designs for process improvement. This paper explores how 9, 18 and 27-run orthogonal arrays compare against each other and against a proposed experimental plan referred to as a 'Segmented Fractional Plan' when used to fractionate 33 and 34 factorial experiments. Based on the analysis of 8 responses from 6 factorial experiments, it was observed that to identify the process setting that produces the desired product quality, with a reduced number of experimental runs, the segmented fractional plan can perform as well or better than some orthogonal arrays thus, providing an option for fractionating 33 and 34 factorial experiments.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)505-520
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal for Quality Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2019


  • Three-level fractional factorial designs
  • threelevel orthogonal arrays
  • design of experiments
  • process improvement
  • quality improvement


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