An Optimal Day-Ahead Scheduling Framework for E-Mobility Ecosystem Operation with Drivers Preferences

Mahsa Bagheri Tookanlou, S. Ali Pourmousavi, Mousa Marzband

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The future e-mobility ecosystem will be a complex structure with different stakeholders seeking to optimize their operation and benefits. In this paper, a day-ahead grid-to-vehicle (G2V) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) scheduling framework is proposed including electric vehicles (EVs), charging stations (CSs), and retailers. To facilitate V2G services and to avoid congestion at CSs, two types of trips, i.e., mandatory and optional trips, are defined and formulated. Also, EV drivers preferences are added to the model to enhance the practical aspects of the scheduling framework. An iterative process is proposed to solve the non-cooperative Stackelberg game by determining the optimal routes and CS for each EV, optimal operation of each CS and retailers, and optimal V2G and G2V prices. Extensive simulation studies are carried out for two different e-mobility ecosystems of multiple retailers and CSs as well as numerous EVs based on real data from San Francisco, the USA. The simulation results show that the optional trips not only reduces the cost of EVs and PV curtailment by 8.8-24.2% and 26.4-28.5% on average, respectively, in different scenarios but also mitigates congestion during specific hours.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5245-5257
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Issue number6
Early online date29 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


  • Batteries
  • Cascading style sheets
  • E-mobility ecosystem
  • EV drivers' preferences
  • Ecosystems
  • G2V and V2G operation
  • Optimization
  • Pricing
  • State of charge
  • Vehicle-to-grid
  • optional trips
  • three-layer optimization problem
  • EV drivers' preferences


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