Annealing studies and electrical properties of SnS-based solar cells

Ogah E. Ogah, Kotte Ramakrishna Reddy, Guillaume Zoppi, Ian Forbes, Robert Miles

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Thin films of SnS (tin sulphide) were thermally evaporated onto glass and CdS/ITO (cadmium sulphide/indium tin oxide) coated glass substrates and then annealed in vacuum with the aim of optimising them for use in photovoltaic solar cell device structures. The chemical and physical properties of the layers were determined using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, x-ray diffraction, and transmittance versus wavelength measurements. “Superstrate configuration” devices were also made using indium tin oxide as the transparent conductive oxide, thermally evaporated cadmium sulphide as the buffer layer and evaporated copper/indium as the back contact material. Capacitance-voltage data are given for the fabricated devices. Capacitance- voltage, spectral response and I-V data are given for the fabricated devices.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7425-7428
JournalThin Solid Films
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • thermal evaporation
  • tin sulphide
  • SnS
  • solar cells
  • absorber layers


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