Ars Informatica -- Ars Electronica: Improving Sonification Aesthetics

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In this paper we discuss æsthetic issues of sonifications. We posit that many sonifications have suffered from poor acoustic ecology which makes listening more difficult, thereby resulting in poorer data extraction and inference on the part of the listener. Lessons are drawn from the electro acoustic music community as we argue that it is not instructive to distinguish between sonifications and music/sound art. Edgar Var`ese defined music as organised sound and sonifications organise sound to reflect some aspect of the thing being sonified. Therefore, we propose that sonification designers can improve the communicative ability of their auditory displays by paying attention to the æsthetic issues that are well known to composers, orchestrators, sound designers & artists, and recording engineers.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2005
EventUnderstanding and Designing for Aesthetic Experience (workshop at HCI 2005: The 19th British HCI Group Annual Conference) - Edinburgh
Duration: 1 Sept 2005 → …


WorkshopUnderstanding and Designing for Aesthetic Experience (workshop at HCI 2005: The 19th British HCI Group Annual Conference)
Period1/09/05 → …


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