Art and Fear : an introduction.

John Armitage

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Following the controversial reception of ‘La Procedure Silence’ (2000) Virilio felt the English translation of ‘Art and Fear’ needed an introduction to clarify his views on contemporary art, technology and the body. For Continuum, the success of output 1 made Armitage the obvious choice. Output 2 links CARcentre activities to Holocaust research at Northumbria. In 2007, the School of Arts and Social Sciences appointed Konopka-Klus (curator of the Auschwitz Museum) as Visiting Fellow, following a series of highly successful lectures on the role of art at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. This was organised as part of an interdisciplinary project that makes Northumbria the only UK University with formal links to Auschwitz, and with a Holocaust Studies module that offers field trips to Auschwitz as part of the syllabus. Whilst working on this output (and an associated study: ‘The Aesthetics of Auschwitz’, HTV 50, Amsterdam [2003]) Armitage helped Rowe develop a theoretical understanding of the politics of suffering, for an AHRC funded practice-led doctorate entitled: Communicating Pain: Can physical pain, especially gynaecological pain and its associated psychological effects, be communicated and understood through art? Armitage’s introduction complements studies such as Nicholas Zurbrugg’s ‘Hyperviolence and Hypersexuality: Paul Virilio’ (Eyeline, 45, autumn/winter 2001). The output led to Armitage being asked to be keynote speaker at ‘Paul Virilio und die Künste’, an international conference at the Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2006. Armitage presented a paper entitled ‘Virilio Over Hypermodern America: On the Recent Art of Jordan Crandall, Joy Garnett, and Elin O’Hara Slavick’. The paper will shortly be published in an edited book by Peter Weibel, the Director of ZKM. It will also be entitled ‘Paul Virilio und die Künste’, and will be published in German, by ZKM, in collaboration with publishers Merve Verlag, in Berlin, December 2007.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationArt and Fear
EditorsPaul Virilio
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages70
ISBN (Electronic)9781441180193
ISBN (Print)9780826487964
Publication statusPublished - 2003

Publication series

NameContinuum Impacts


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