Attack robustness and stability of generalized k-cores

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Earlier studies on network robustness have mainly focused on the integrity of functional components such as the giant connected component in a network. Generalized k-core (Gk-core) has been recently investigated as a core structure obtained via a k-leaf removal procedure extending the well-known leaf removal algorithm. Here, we study analytically and numerically the network robustness in terms of the numbers of nodes and edges in Gk-core against random attacks (RA), localized attacks (LA) and targeted attacks (TA), respectively. In addition, we introduce the concept of Gk-core stability to quantify the extent to which the Gk-core of a network contains the same nodes under independent multiple RA, LA and TA, respectively. The relationship between Gk-core robustness and stability has been studied under our developed percolation framework, which is of significance in better understanding and design of resilient networks.
Original languageEnglish
Article number093013
Number of pages11
JournalNew Journal of Physics
Publication statusPublished - 10 Sept 2019


  • complex network
  • robustness
  • localized attack
  • Erdös–Rényi network
  • exponential network
  • stability
  • targeted attacks (TA)


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