Augmenting the Left

Matthew T Johnson (Editor), A. T. Kingsmith (Editor), Julian von Bargen, Karen Bridget Murray, Robert Latham, Arto Artinian, Kojin Karatani, Joel Wainwright, Athina Karatzogianni, Francis Dupuis-Déri, Žiga Vodovnik, Ronaldo Munck, Henry Veltmeyer, Aspasia Velissariou, John Milios, Nicos Trimikliniotis, Vasilios Ioakimidis, Michel Bauwens, Jose Ramos, Graham MurdochKieran Allen, Craig Willse, Michael Löwy, Olivier Besancenot, Michael D. Yates

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationSpecial issue


Nine papers with respective replies, grounded in Marxist traditions, analyse the potential for social transformation through a reinvigorated radical Left, all within the context of the ascendance of the far Right worldwide. Papers variously take up new lines of analysis, while also identifying and theorizing strategies and possibilities for increasing and deepening popular participation and support on the far Left. Authors are drawn variously from Australia, Britain, Canada, Cyprus, France, Greece, Ireland, Japan, Slovenia, and the United States. They comprise new scholars as well as established and leading theorists and activists. Collectively, the papers address three predominant themes: the changing and expanding conceptualization on the Left of contemporary capitalism; what it means to speak of ‘the people’ in relation to political action today; and approaches to mobilizing and organizing that people. The wide-ranging but focused and rigorous insights produced across the pieces are aimed at speaking to scholars, students, observers, and activists who seek knowledge about the challenges and opportunities the Left faces today.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages225
Specialist publicationGlobal Discourse
PublisherBristol University Press
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2018


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