Be-ing seen: Towards a feminist interpretative phenomenological analysis to researching the marginalised

Amal Abdellatif, Kathryn Haynes*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Drawing from a study of women on boards in Egypt, in this methodological article we propose and illustrate four parts of a multidimensional feminist hermeneutic process for Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as a method of uncovering hidden stories of marginalised voices and unrecognised contexts. Underpinned by Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology, our novel four-stage approach includes visual images as an alternative mode of data (re)presentation within the hermeneutic circle of interpretation. We show how IPA enables (re)imagining new possibilities of doing and writing feminist research and promotes an in-depth knowledge of the lived experience of women, as well as the systemic issues that concern them. Our contribution highlights our IPA process and outcomes, as a form of feminist praxis that prioritises the recognition of marginalisation and Otherness, embraces an ethic of care towards research participants and researchers, and provides a transformative, emancipatory opportunity for reciprocal learning, awareness and knowing of experience.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages22
JournalCulture and Organization
Early online date18 Jul 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 18 Jul 2024


  • IPA
  • Feminist methodology
  • Art-based methods
  • otherness
  • hermeneutic circle
  • feminist methodology
  • art-based methods

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