Biomimetic spatial and temporal (4D) design and fabrication

Veronika Kapsali, Anne Toomey, Raymond Oliver, Lynn Tandler

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)
38 Downloads (Pure)


We imagine the built environment of the future as a ‘bio-hybrid machine for living in’ that will sense and react to activities within the space in order to provide experiences and services that will elevate quality of life while coexisting seamlessly with humans and the natural environment. The study of Hierarchical design in biological materials has the potential to alter the way designers/ engineers/ crafts-men of the future engage with materials in order to realise such visions. We are ex-ploring this design approach using digital manufacturing technologies such as jac-quard weaving and 3D printing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2013
EventLiving Machines 2013 - London
Duration: 1 Jul 2013 → …


ConferenceLiving Machines 2013
Period1/07/13 → …
Internet address


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