Breaking down boundaries: the case for clinic collaboration with other disciplines

Victoria Roper, Lucy Hatt

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Students are likely to obtain the impression that knowledge can be compartmentalised and fitted neatly into distinct ‘boxes’. Whilst administratively convenient it does nothing to teach students the complexities of real life. In reality there is often a lot of blurring of disciplines and this is especially true for business and law. A collaborative project between students of Northumbria’s Student Law Office and Northumbria’s Entrepreneurial Business Management programme will be analysed to demonstrate the potential benefits of cross discipline collaboration within clinic. The benefits and challenges of such collaborative working with be explored through the experiences of lecturers and students.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jul 2017
EventInternational Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference 2017 - Northumbria University , Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Duration: 3 Jul 20175 Jul 2017


ConferenceInternational Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference 2017


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