Can the new A-Level curriculum meet the demands of higher education?

Birju Kotecha, Noel Inge, Patricia Leighton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Three out of four A-Level students will enter higher education perhaps with an assumption that the grades that defined their A-Level experience will ensure they are intellectually prepared and that they now possess a broad range of skills that will be further stimulated within higher education. This paper seeks to critically address this assumption. It hopes to contribute to the debate about whether A-Levels adequately prepare students with the range of skills that are developed at university. This is a question that has critical implications for teaching and learning within HE, students and education policy-makers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)195-217
JournalThe Law Teacher
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jun 2010


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