Capillary origami and superhydrophobic membrane surfaces

Nicasio Geraldi, Fouzia Ouali, Robert Morris, Glen McHale, Michael Newton

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Capillary origami uses surface tension to fold and shape solid films and membranes into three-dimensional structures. It uses the fact that solid surfaces, no matter how hydrophobic, will tend to adhere to and wrap around the surface of a liquid. In this work, we report that a superhydrophobic coating can be created, which can completely suppress wrapping as a contacting water droplet evaporates. We also show that using a wetting azeotropic solution of allyl alcohol, which penetrates the surface features, can enhance liquid adhesion and create more powerful Capillary Origami. These findings create the possibility of selectively shaping membrane substrates.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)214104
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2013


  • capillary origami
  • elastocapillary
  • superhydrophobic
  • membrane


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