Case studies of regional bioeconomy strategies across Europe

David Charles, Sara Davies, Stephen Miller, Keith Clement, Stefan Kah, Greet Overbeek, Anne-Charlotte Hoes, Zoritza Kiresiewa, Chiara Bianchini

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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This report provides a summary of issues raised in four regional case studies: Scotland, South-West Netherlands, Saxony-Anhalt and Veneto. It examines the ways in which the bioeconomy has been defined in regional strategies and the ways in which those regional strategies have been initiated and implemented in the four regions. Each of the regions has a distinctive approach, specialising around the particular assets and strengths of the region and its core stakeholders. Typically, regional strategies have been developed by regional government or by stakeholder groups sponsored by those governments, and hence the main objectives have been to promote economic development through the application of developments in the bioeconomy. A primary driver of strategy development has been the need to respond to the requirements of the EU smart specialisation strategies.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrussels
PublisherEcologic Institute
Number of pages80
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2016


  • bioeconomy
  • regional strategies
  • public participation
  • biomass
  • bioplastic
  • biomaterials


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