Cigarette filter material and polypropylene fibres in concrete to control drying shrinkage

Alan Richardson

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Due to a reduction in demand for cigarette filter material (North East UK), significant quantities have arisen that have little commercial value. The filter manufacturers have been looking for another outlet for their product and polypropylene fibre replacement in concrete was considered. The purpose of adding Type 1 polypropylene fibres (BS-EN14889) to concrete is to control plastic shrinkage and reduce bleeding. A paired comparison test was carried out to examine concrete cured under extreme conditions of heat and air flow. This micro climate would cause uneven drying due to surface evaporation and internal stresses within the concrete matrix and as a consequence of this instigate drying shrinkage cracking. Type 1 micro polypropylene fibres have known properties to control drying cracking and the performance of concrete with polypropylene fibres was compared against plain concrete and concrete with cigarette filter material. The findings showed that when cigarette filter material and Type 1 polypropylene fibres were compared together their performance was very similar and showed less drying shrinkage cracks than plain concrete.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2012
Event8th International Conference: Concrete in the Low Carbon Era - Dundee, Scotland
Duration: 1 Jul 2012 → …


Conference8th International Conference: Concrete in the Low Carbon Era
Period1/07/12 → …


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