Comparative proteomics of erythrocyte aging in vivo and in vitro

Giel J.C.G.M. Bosman*, Edwin Lasonder, Yvonne A.M. Groenen-Döpp, Frans L.A. Willekens, Jan M. Werre, V. M.J. Novotný

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84 Citations (Scopus)


During aging in vivo and in vitro, erythrocytes display removal signals. Phagocytosis is triggered by binding of autologous IgG to a senescent cell antigen originating on band 3. Erythrocytes generate vesicles as an integral part of the aging process in vivo and in vitro, i.e. during storage. These vesicles display senescent cell antigens as well as phosphatidylserine, that is recognized by scavenger receptors. Recent comparative proteomic analyses of erythrocytes and their vesicles support the hypothesis that aging is accompanied by increased binding of modified hemoglobins to band 3, disruption of the band 3-mediated anchorage of the cytoskeleton to the lipid bilayer, vesicle formation, and antigenic changes in band 3 conformation. Proteomic data also suggest an, until then unknown, involvement of chaperones, stress proteins, and proteasomes. Thus, the presently available comparative proteomic analyses not only confirm previous immunochemical and functional data, but also (1) provide new clues to the mechanisms that maintain erythrocyte homeostasis; (2) open new roads to elucidate the processes that regulate physiological erythrocyte aging and removal, and thereby; (3) provide the foundation for rational interventions to prevent untimely erythrocyte removal, and unwanted interactions between the erythrocyte and the immune system, especially after transfusion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)396-402
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Proteomics
Issue number3
Early online date4 Aug 2009
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jan 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Aging
  • Erythrocyte
  • Membrane
  • Storage
  • Vesicles


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