Conceptual framework of life-cycle performance measurement: Ensuring the resilience of transport infrastructure assets

Henry Liu, Peter E. D. Love, Michael C. P. Sing, Baozhuang Niu, Jianfeng Zhao

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Having efficient and effective transport infrastructure (e.g. bridges, roads, railways, airways and tunnels) in place is essential for supporting the economic and social well-being of an economy. External disturbances that emerge as a result of climate change, for example, are impacting its performance. Delivering, managing and maintaining transport assets that are resilient and adaptive to changing environmental conditions have become a priority for many governments worldwide. Central to ensuring that transport infrastructure functions at their optimum and is resilient to external changes is performance measurement, as it enables those processes that need to be modified and improved for enhancing the asset’s adaptability throughout their lifecycle to be identified. Despite the importance of performance measurement in ensuring the resilience of transport infrastructure, it has received limited attention by governments in their policy making. Therefore, this paper provides a review of the extant literature and proposes a life-cycle resilient performance measurement framework (PMF) within transport context. The developed PMF is robust in comprehensively capturing the underlying perspectives that are significant for: (1) understanding the current state of the resilient level of transport assets; and (2) enabling a higher ability of the assets to adapt to environment-related changes in the future. The implications of the proposed framework for transport policy development are also discussed in this paper.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)615-626
Number of pages12
JournalTransportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment
Early online date17 Oct 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2019


  • climate change
  • Performance measurement
  • transport infrastructure
  • Resilience


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