Conclusion: Hazards, Risks, and Disasters in Society

Andrew Collins, Janaka Jayawickrama, Samantha Jones, Bernard Manyena

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This closing chapter draws together overall emerging points from the volume, having resonance with societal aspects of the wider series of which this is a part. It offers reflection and guidance for an expanding field of study built from the rationale outlined in the Introduction with summative comments influenced by the three chapter sections. It is concluded that dealing with hazards, risks, and disasters in society requires an understanding of cognition and behavior and would require a cultural shift for much of humankind. Although a definitive checklist of actions to be taken is beyond the realms of any one volume, previous learning and the insights that are on the whole empirically presented within this volume indicate processes that are required to progress for the better.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHazards, Risks and Disasters in Society
EditorsAndrew Collins, Sam Jones, Bernard Manyena, Sara Walsh, John F. Shroder
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages424
ISBN (Print)9780123964519
Publication statusPublished - 2 Dec 2015

Publication series

NameHazards and Disasters


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