Consolidating Qualitative and Quantitative Findings in Substance Abuse Population through Mixed Methods Research

Frank Lai, Elaine Wai Hung Yan, Eric Chun wui Ho, Phyllis Lai-chu Tse, F.P.F. Chiu, Silvia Hiu Ue Fan, Alice Tsz kiu Lee, Jess Wan man Tsui, B.T.Y. So, Jonathan Chin-chun Cheung, T.H.M. Chan, Simon Kam-Man Wong

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Rationale / Objectives: With consideration of the psycho social complexity in substance abuse (SA) problems, this pioneer study employing mixed methods to assess how social processes and individual behaviors could shape SA.Methods:An explanatory sequential design was employed. Quantitative data were collected by the Treatment Needs and Motivation Assessment (Lam, Ng & Boey, 2002), Drug Involvement Scale (Lam, Ng & Boey, 2002), Chinese Social Problem Solving Inventory (Siu & Shek, 2005) in order to assess individual’s beliefs, values and problem solving orientation. Qualitative review was achieved through activities such as free-listing, pile sorting and semi-structure interview. The impact of social influence on individuals was explored through the consolidation of quantitative and qualitative data. Purposeful sampling strategy for SA subjects was adopted.Results: Forty male subjects with aged from 20 to 45 (SD = 3.65) were recruited. Correlation and regression analysis successfully identified duration of SA, treatment needs & motivation,positive problem orientation in subjects with SA were significant predictors (β = .33, p < .05).In keeping with the findings of Simpson & Joe (1993), motivation for treatment-like problem recognition, desire for help and treatment readiness, were closely tied to positive problem orientation (r = .68, p < .01). They adopted a negative social problem solving orientation, such that, stress from work or study was noted with the highest response rate in terms of negative orientation.Conclusions: Qualitative and quantitative results agree with each other. Negative social problem solving orientation was one of the most prominent factors of substance abusers. Proper interventions should be focused.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2018
Externally publishedYes
Event11th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation - Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Duration: 17 Nov 201718 Nov 2017


Conference11th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation
Abbreviated title11th PPCR
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityHong Kong
Internet address


  • Substance abuse
  • Mixed Method Research
  • Social Problem Solving Orientation


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