Controlled Cooperative Wetting Enabled Heterogeneous Structured 3D Morphing Transducers

Sreepathy Sridhar, Cong Wang, Jonathan G. Terry, Xue Chen, Ansu Sun, Zhenghong Li, Haibao Lu, Ben Bin Xu, Yifan Li

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A unique microfluidics approach for functional hydrogel patterning with multilayered heterogeneous structures is presented. Prepolymer solution droplets with differentiated sodium acrylate concentrations are dispensed/printed in a wetting‐controlled “two‐parallel plate” (TPP, like a Hele‐Shaw Cell) system. The gelation within the system enables hydrogel bilayer structures with reconfigurable 3D deformations driven by in‐plane and through‐thickness heterogeneity under stimuli‐responsive mask‐less swelling/deswelling. The cooperation between swelling mismatch of functional groups results in a higher complexity of 3D reconfiguration in responding to discrete levels of stimulation inputs. This facile patterning technology with an in‐built ionic hierarchy can be scaled up/down with advanced transducing functionalities in various fields.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2001211
JournalAdvanced Materials Interfaces
Issue number2
Early online date5 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jan 2021


  • droplet microfluidics
  • flexible sensors
  • heterogeneous hydrogels
  • layer by layer
  • responsive swelling


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