Crack Detection and Localisation in Steel-Fibre-Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete Using Triaxial Accelerometers

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Cracking in concrete structures can significantly affect their structural integrity and eventually lead to catastrophic failure if undetected. Recent advances in sensor technology for structural health monitoring techniques have led to the development of new and improved sensors for real-time detection and monitoring of cracks in various applications, from laboratory tests to large structures. In this study, triaxial accelerometers have been employed to detect and locate micro- and macrocrack formation in plain self-compacting concrete (SCC) and steel-fibre-reinforced SCC (SFRSCC) beams under three-point bending. Experiments were carried out with triaxial accelerometers mounted on the surface of the beams. The experimental results revealed that triaxial accelerometers could be used to identify the locations of cracks and provide a greater quantity of useful data for more accurate measurement and interpretation. The study sheds light on the structural monitoring capability of triaxial acceleration measurements for SFRSCC structural elements that can act as an early warning system for structural failure.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2044
Pages (from-to)1-20
Number of pages20
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 14 Mar 2021


  • Bending
  • Crack detection
  • Self-compacting concrete
  • Steel fibres
  • Triaxial accelerometers


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