Creative Subversion in the 'CHI-verse': Fourth-Wave HCI Meets the 21st Century Manifesto

Simone Ashby, Julian Hanna, Sónia Matos, Callum Nash, Alexis Faria

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    7 Citations (Scopus)
    306 Downloads (Pure)


    We take up Bødker’s challenge to ‘identify’ a fourth wave HCI, building on the work of Blevis et al. and others to shore up a new vision that places ‘politics and values and ethics’ at the forefront without abandoning the strengths of previous waves. We insist that a fourth wave must push harder, beyond measured criticism for actual (e.g. institutional) change. We present two studies performed at CHI’19, where we used our MANIFESTO! game to: 1) take the temperature of colleagues on adopting an activist stance, 2) test manifesto writing as a key activity in pushing HCI forward into the fourth wave, and 3) test our game for subsequent iterations, and as a probe for inspiring new digital tools. With the enthusiastic response received to gameplay, facilitated in part through a novel method using tableau vivant, we argue for taking political activism from the margins into mainstream HCI.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages17
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2019
    EventHalfway to the Future - Albert Hall Conference Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom
    Duration: 19 Nov 201920 Nov 2019


    ConferenceHalfway to the Future
    Abbreviated titleHttF2019
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


    • Manifestos
    • Fourth-Wave HCI
    • Games
    • Tableau Vivant
    • Activism
    • Creative Subversion


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