Critical materials supply and risk

Ran Bhamra*, Adrian Small, Christian Hicks, Enrique García-Villarreal, James Colwill, Liam Gardner

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Rare earth Elements (REEs) are a subset of Critical materials (CMs) and are found in numerous modern electronic products and advanced technologies where, due to their unique physical and chemical properties, they cannot be substituted. Disruption in their supply chain has the potential to cause devastating impacts on production and consumers. To help manage such disruptions, this research focusses on the areas of critical materials, supply chain resilience, and supply chain risk. Research has established the challenges that can occur from disruptions caused by up-stream suppliers, necessitating supply-side resilience strategies. Supply-side risk factors associated with CMSs differ from conventional material supply chain risk, and it is advocated that they cannot be effectively managed through traditional material supply risk management practices. This study investigates the research on CMs that appears around the periphery of the OM (operations management) field by adopting a systematic literature review. Findings show a dearth of research work directly focused on REEs and CMs from within the OM field. Importantly, a call is made for OM researchers to investigate REEs and CMs based on the imperative that geopolitics, resource scarcity and environmental issues present.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 29th International EurOMA Conference
Subtitle of host publicationBrilliance in resilience: operations and supply chain management’s role in achieving a sustainable future
PublisherEurOMA Sustainable Operations and SC Forum
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2022
Event29th International EurOMA Conference 2022: Brilliance in resilience: operations and supply chain management’s role in achieving a sustainable future - Estrel Hotel, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 1 Jul 20226 Jul 2022
Conference number: 29th


Conference29th International EurOMA Conference 2022
Abbreviated titleEurOMA22
Internet address


  • Critical materials
  • Natural resource scarcity
  • supply risk
  • resilience

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