Der Generalsekretär im Wandel der Zeit

Translated title of the contribution: The UN Secretary-General in Times of Change

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Das Amt des UN-Generalsekretärs hat sich in den letzten 70 Jahren formal kaum verändert. Bislang haben jedoch alle acht Amtsinhaber informell neue Kompetenzen geschaffen. Diese mussten sowohl den weltpolitischen Rahmenbedingungen als auch den sich ändernden Machtverhältnissen standhalten. Weitaus wichtiger war allerdings die Entwicklung des ideellen Rahmens. = The 2016 selection of the United Nations Secretary-General illustrated how the role has changed over the past 70 years: initially described narrowly as ‘chief administrator’, the role of Secretary-General has not undergone formal changes since the founding of the United Nations. Yet, all previous eight Secretaries-General expanded the role informally in significant ways.
These changes were influenced by the respective political context and were subject to the demands of the great powers. The most significant change, however, has been a change in the understanding of what the Secretary-General stands for—from a servant to states and a servant to peace to a servant of the people.
Translated title of the contributionThe UN Secretary-General in Times of Change
Original languageGerman
Specialist publicationVereinte Nationen
PublisherBerliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Publication statusPublished - 27 Feb 2017


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