Design of a team emotion forecast tool for bettering individual emotional well-being and team performance

Liying Yang*, Sheng-feng Qin, Ziwen Zhu, Daniel Harrison, Wai Lok Woo

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)
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Individual emotion can significantly impact one's well-being and a team's emotional environment can affect team performance. In addition, one's emotions in a team can affect others’ emotions. Thus, in order to have a positive team emotional state (environment) and avoid one's negative emotions propagating to others, a team emotion forecast tool is needed for teamwork management. How to design an easy-to-use team emotion forecast tool is our research question. In this study, we first propose to use keystroke and mouse dynamics as potentially effective signals to recognize emotions because of their ubiquity in the work environment, especially in remote work. And the emotion recognition process is non-intrusive and unobtrusive, which helps to identify emotions more objectively. Second, the user-centered design method is used to design such a tool/system. Third, a qualitative study has been conducted to analyze users’ demands and concerns. At last, a digital prototype has been designed and developed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-314
Number of pages6
JournalProcedia CIRP
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jul 2023
Event33rd CIRP Design Conference - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 17 May 202319 May 2023


  • Emotion forecast tool
  • keystroke and mouse dynamics
  • qualitative study
  • quantitative study
  • user-centered design
  • visualization

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