Design of Socio Spatial Networks and Practices for Hybrid Cities

Leo Bourikas, Alejandro Moreno-Rangel, Ruth Dalton

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Urban space and city living are being redefined in the context of hybrid cities - the realm where the physical and virtual worlds exist intertwined and interact. The emerging socio-spatial networks and practices create new possibilities for resilient, adaptive cities (and citizens) but at the same time raise questions on rights to the city, digital civics, openness and privacy. Human activities create, often unconsciously, an unprecedented amount of data turning humans into gullible data producers. Nonetheless, the ownership, interpretation and management data are under the control of few commercial entities. The research adopts a critical realist approach to the design of the future hybrid cities' networks and practices to create a paradigm shift towards transforming people from "homo-datum" to "human-nodes" - conscious creators, developers and users of data.

This workshop will address the following themes:
1) What approaches in the design of hybrid cities would enable cities to reflect the complexity and plurality of people and societies?
2) How could technology assist human citizens with managing and interpreting in the correct context the increasing amount of data?
3) How can we move from current socio-economic models towards building new socio-spatial networks that will better represent future societies?
4) What is the role of non-human citizens and how would they interface with "human-nodes"?
5) Finally, what are the necessary conditions for transforming current cities and living into participatory hybrid cities and sustainable lifestyles?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2021
EventThe Fifteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices: 2021 Special Focus: Towards a (Design) New Deal - (Online), Monterrey, Mexico
Duration: 3 Mar 20215 Mar 2021


ConferenceThe Fifteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices
Internet address


  • Digital social interactions
  • Right to city
  • Open public spaces
  • Social realities
  • Responsive cities

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