Design strategy of TiC reinforced heterogeneous Ti-composites with an induced <c + a> slip system for achieving high strength-ductility

Longlong Dong*, Yan Tang, Wendian Fan, Xiang Li, Junjie Xu, Guodong Sun, Mingjia Li, Yongqing (Richard) Fu, Ahmed Elmarakbi, Lianwen Wang, Yusheng Zhang

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Achieving high strength and ductility for Ti alloys and their composites has been a key objective and also a great challenge for their engineering applications. Herein, we designed TiC/(TC18 + TC4) composites with bionic and heterogeneously lamella structures, achieving an exceptional combination of high strength and ductility. This is attributed to the formation of alternative layers of TC18-coarse grains and TC4-fine grains with TiC precipitated at their interfaces. Plastic incompatibility of these three-phases produces significant hetero-deformation-induced hardening, induced by mutual interactions of heterogeneous grains and TiC precipitates, as well as activation of extensive < c + a > slip groups. An optimal yield strength of ∼ 1168 MPa and a uniform elongation of ∼ 6% have been achieved, which are much higher than those of the TC4 matrix (i.e. ∼919 MPa and ∼2%). This study provides a new strategy for composite designs to overcome the trade-off dilemma for strength-ductility.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)298-305
Number of pages8
JournalMaterials Research Letters
Issue number4
Early online date25 Feb 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2024


  • Titanium matrix composites
  • back stress strengthening
  • heterogeneous matrix
  • high strength-ductility

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