Developing Transformational Home in Post-Disaster Reconstruction: A Transformative Space Perspective

Archchana Shandraseharan*, Akila Rathnasinghe, Diani Sirimewan, Niraj Thurairajah, Menaha Thayaparan, Anuradha Waidyasekara

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Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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Reconstruction is a highly valued task following any disaster. In most post-disaster recon-struction, housing schemes take precedence over other projects. In this context, the expec-tation is to provide the affected community with an environment that is either same or bet-ter than the pre-disaster condition. However, reaching a stage where the affected commu-nity will have a permanent housing solution that would help them to return to complete normalcy in terms of physical, economic and social conditions is still a challenge faced by the doners and the community. This paper attempts to establish the concept of ‘transfor-mational homes’ to ensure the transformation of temporary housing to permanent housing from the perception of production of space considering physical and social transforma-tional needs. A comprehensive literature study has been carried out to achieve the aim of the study. Initially, the theories applicable for post-disaster housing reconstruction such as the theory of the production of space, protection motivation theory and habitability framework have been discussed. Afterwards, a conceptual framework was developed to reflect the need for transformative space for post-disaster housing reconstruction, which enables the transformation of social and psychological aspects and the associated opera-tional and physical aspects based on the lived experience of the affected communities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication12th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM) 2021: 17th – 19th December 2021, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Place of PublicationColombo
PublisherGraduate Associate Professionals (Pvt) Ltd
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)9786246123017
Publication statusPublished - 18 Dec 2021
Event12th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management - Earl's Regent Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Duration: 17 Dec 202119 Dec 2021


Conference12th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management
Abbreviated title(ICSECM) 2021
Country/TerritorySri Lanka


  • post-disaster housing
  • Transformation
  • theory of production of space
  • protection motivation theory

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