Digital inclusion in Jordan: Opportunities and hurdles

Hanna Kreitem

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


A look at digital inclusion in Jordan, a country with a plan towards economic and social development facing uncommon factors of refugee inflow, and laws limiting Internet openness and keeping the state in control of what the people access and use.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDigital Inclusion
Subtitle of host publicationAn International Comparative Analysis
EditorsMassimo Ragnedda, Bruce Mutsvairo
PublisherLexington Books
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9781498562133
ISBN (Print)9781498562126
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018

Publication series

NameCommunication, Globalization, and Cultural Identity
PublisherLexington Books


  • digital inequalities
  • Digital divide
  • Jordan
  • Refugees


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