Discovering cultural influences during the 'scripting' of artefacts

Megan Strickfaden, Paul Rodgers

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The social nature of design education provides an interesting forum when investigating characteristics that are embedded in the designing of products. This paper illustrates one aspect of an ongoing research investigation of industrial design students, their educational context, and the products that are designed. Two case studies are highlighted in this paper, with each investigating the ‘explicitly taught’ information learned in the student’s educational context, and ‘implicitly present’ information that has been gained throughout the student’s life. Case study 1 uses questionnaire and informal interview procedures, and case study 2 uses a multi-method approach with a variety of collection mechanisms (i.e. video taping, photography, sketch book reviewing) documenting an eight-week design project. Insights are hereby gained into the social and cultural forces that influence the ‘scripting’ of designed products, which it is envisaged, will provide a more holistic understanding of the design
process, design culture, and the education and socialisation of design students.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication14th International Conference on Engineering Design: Research for Practice: Innovation in Products, Processes and Organisations
Subtitle of host publicationStockholm, August 19-21 2003
EditorsA. Folkeson, K. Gralen, M. Norell, U. Sellgren
PublisherThe Design Society
ISBN (Print)9781904670001
Publication statusPublished - 15 Aug 2003


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