Disrupting the leadership focus by facilitating the social construction of followership in the classroom: student responses to a visual method pedagogy

Rachael Morris, Sandra Corlett

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    When followership is incorporated into the classroom, it is often as an adjunct to leadership and its theories and, thus, opportunities for the social construction of followership are diminished. The paper provides insights into classroom practices used to develop students’ constructions of followership through reflective and visual teaching strategies, facilitating co-construction of meaning in the classroom. An agenda for increased focus on followership learning, underpinned by visual method pedagogy, is provided to inform and inspire others to apply this disruption in mainstream leadership programs across other academic (and corporate) institutions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)49-53
    JournalThe Journal of Leadership Studies
    Issue number3
    Early online date19 Jan 2017
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 Jan 2017


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