Diversifying assessment across the ‘Two Cultures’: student-produced podcasts in Geography

Justine Kemp, Richard Kotter, Antony Mellor, Jan Oosthoek, Catherine White

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Since 2008, following growing collective interest in learning technologies and pedagogy, Geography and History departments at Northumbria and Newcastle Universities have successfully incorporated student-generated podcasting into a mixture of science, humanities and social science modules across all undergraduate levels. This paper presents a number of innovative examples using this approach, with the aim of promoting student creativity and analytical skills in ways different from traditional report- or essay-based assessments. It goes on to consider some of the advantages and challenges of this alternative assessment mode, from both student and tutor perspectives, across the science-humanities divide.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2-7
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2013


  • podcasting assessment
  • learning geographical and environmental sciences and humanities


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