Does a Religion and Worldviews approach help or hinder children’s spiritual development?

Aidan Gillespie*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

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The recommendation arising out of the Commission on Religious Education’s report (2018) is for Religious Education in England to have a change of focus and scope and to be retitled ‘Religion and Worldviews’. It is hoped that by doing so, educators will have a clearer understanding of the purpose and scope of the subject of what is currently ‘Religious Education’, the teaching of RE and spiritual development of pupils being a legislative requirement in the English context. By proposing a change of subject name, philosophy and oversight, the Commission on Religious Education have asserted that in its current guise, children are not receiving a good education in this particular subject area. The Commission on Religious Education have encouraged debate among educators in schools and Initial Teacher Education programmes to develop pedagogies which will not only provide an outstanding educational experience but equip children with the personal tools to thrive in an increasingly diverse society. This article explores some of the ways this can be envisioned, what it may mean for the development of children’s spirituality and how an explicit teaching of the scope and limitations of different ‘knowledge types’ such as Propositional, Procedural, Personal and Tacit, would aid children’s engagement with Religious Education.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 22 Jul 2021
EventInternational Conference on Children’s Spirituality: Children’s Spirituality: Keeping the Conversation Going - Online, Online
Duration: 22 Jul 202127 Jul 2021


ConferenceInternational Conference on Children’s Spirituality
Internet address


  • knowledge
  • worldview
  • pedagogy
  • religion
  • spirituality


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